National Christmas LIghts Day A Day Late

You can add lights to just about anything, and it looks better.

Several years ago, I was preparing for a large party, most of which would take place on my second and ground-floor patios. I’m into decorating, as are my children, so I was conjuring how I might spiff up the otherwise drab space. Viola! Lights, of course, more lights! I hurried off to Lowe’s and found strings of those lights with round bulbs that looked like antiques. I set about stringing the atmosphere-enhancing strands from one end of the patio to the other. I placed others under the deck and flipped the switch. I sat mesmerized at the enhanced environment, now luminated into a party atmosphere. You can’t beat a good strand of lights to make things look better.

Today (December 1st), is National Christmas Lights Day, and I am a fan. One can never have too many Christmas lights, save Clark’s Christmas Vacation house. Even Clark’s extravaganza would have been grand, except the lights weren’t twinkling.

 Until a few moments ago, I was unaware of National Christmas Lights Day, but now I have been illuminated, and my holiday season just stepped up a notch or two. I have two one-hundred-light strands in boxes in my garage, just waiting for a bit of imagination and labor. And, oh, it will happen, and I will be impressed.

It’s true. Add lights to just about anything, and it looks better. Light not only illuminates and brightens, it adds character and charm. Light turns drab into interesting. Light helps one see where they are headed. Light lifts ones spirit.

 Light is also good for your brain. It promotes alertness, improves cognitive function, activates memory formation, and helps regulate your mood. Many of us are familiar with the winter blues when daylight is in short supply. I was in Ireland a few weeks ago and heard a radio personality explain how the Irish could supplement light to keep their depression at bay in a country short on light during this season. We all need light.

Light is a significant theme in God’s scheme of things. “Let there be light” is one of the most powerful statements ever made. We could all be walking around in complete darkness now if not for God’s affinity for light. Think of how many more times you would have stubbed your toes. We would be living in a world of broken toes!

The Bible mentions light at least 269 times, many describing its function in dispelling darkness. Darkness is not a “thing” like light. Darkness is simply the absence of light. Einstein explained light as photons, which are both waves and energy. I would tell you the speed at which light travels, but your eyes would probably glaze over like mine. That sort of knowledge is above my pay grade. However, it is good to note that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light since it would require an infinite power source.

Enter – GOD. God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness. Jesus is the light of the world. Perhaps that fact implies how much power is found in the Creator and His Son. That would be “infinite.” God’s power is unfathomable. If you need to shed a little light on something, bring God into the picture.

 At one point, Jesus dared to claim that His followers are supposed to be the light of the world. Wow, that thought wears me out thinking about it. How can I possibly be the light of the world? It would seem that feat would only be possible if one were fully connected to God the Father and His Son, Jesus. I can hear God presently saying to me. “Duh, that would be correct, Hamilton.” Jesus also told us that we can do nothing without Him. Rest assured; the Teacher was correct. I know, I’ve tried to do plenty without Jesus, and it never goes well.

So, here’s what I have figured out.

·      God is light.

·      God imbued light into His creation.

·      God wanted the creation of light to become humanly possible, so He sent Jesus in human form – i.e., Christmas.

·      Jesus became the light of the world.

·      Jesus was willing to impart His power to humans so they, too, could become light to the world.

·      Jesus' followers are, by virtue of their relationship with Him, light in the world.

·      Follow Jesus, and you can become a Christmas light.

Today is National Christmas Light Day. This is your big day!

Einstein’s got nothing on us so be impressed.

So, if you follow Jesus, how about you go about brightening someone else’s day and illuminating their path, even if for only one step? Anything looks better with light, and what an extraordinary blessing to give light to others.

Happy National Christmas Light Day!

Live Inspired!

Don Mark





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